Am I the only one that does this? (breeding)
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So, I don't like dogs above 600 TP. That is just my opinion. So, I purposely breed my dogs to make sure that their puppies are under 600TP. Sometimes I have dogs above that, but I really don't enjoy it.

Maybe that makes me lazy, IDK, but if I'm spending 2 weeks on the SAME dog I get really bored and start to lose interest in Ala xD;

So am I the only one that does this/gets bored?

05-3-2011 at 11:05 AM
Around 500 is my usual, but I'm finding that an almost 900 TP dog isn't taking anything like as long as I thought it would, plus it's very rewarding. <br /> <br /> If you trial a lot, then it's worth it to have a couple TP monsters floating around. They get you a lot of bank. ;)<br /> <br /> As for usual breeding, though... I don't usually go over 500TP. It's not that I feel it's a bad thing to go over that, it's just how it ends up since I usually breed 2nd or 3rd gens. :)

05-2-2011 at 9:46 PM
I've seen other people do it too :3 I might actually do the same eventually for my side breeds :P I'm so busy with my corgi, I don't have time to devote to training a 2k or some odd sheltie/borzoi/husky


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